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Hello again and thanks for being interested in contributing to MeasureTheWeb! This page outlines some contributing concepts, both technical (page creation, syntax) and organizational (reviews, how to deal with subjective statements, and the code of conduct). Please read the page before contributing, thank you!

You have to be registered to be able to edit and create content. You can create an account here.

Commenting and editing pages

The easiest form of contributing is writing comments in the discussion below each page (no knowledge of DokuWiki needed, you only have to register). Editing existing pages should also be intuitive – you can see how other content is formatted by viewing the markup.

Page creation

The easiest way to create a new page is to click a red link (red indicates that the page is missing) and then click the pencil icon labeled “Create this page” in the right panel.

If you want to create a page without a link, you can create the link on the start page. For instance, to create a page about Browser protection in the Privacy namespace, add [[Privacy:Browser protection]] to the start page, save the changes, and then click the newly created link. Alternatively, you can directly enter the URL in the form and then create the page. However, this method will create the page without any links to it, so it will remain hidden from the majority of the audience. Therefore, the first method is preferred.

Before creating a new page, use the search function. A page with a similar title or content might already exist.

Namespace and page structure

To better organize the website, we use namespaces for topics. Namespaces can, but do not have to, have their own page. When they do, it should outline other pages within that namespace rather than provide its own content. The namespaces include (but are not exhaustive): Design, Programming, Privacy, Security, Statistics, Writing, and Practices. If you think that your desired page does not fit into any of these, you can create a new namespace yourself by simply creating a link [[Namespace:Page name]]. The colons that separate namespaces are translated to slashes in the URL. Please consider which namespace is most appropriate for your contribution. If you are unsure, please contact us for guidance.


We use the bibtex4dw extension for managing the bibliography. To use existing literature (see Bibliography), you can simply use the BibTeX CitationKey from the existing entries like this: {[CitationKey]}. If you need to add new bibliography entries, just append them to Bibliography. Only after you save the edits to the Bibliography page will you be able to use the citation in your text.

Also, to display the bibliography section at the end of the document, you must include <bibtex bibliography></bibtex> in the page code. It is present in the template when you are creating a new page.

If you encounter any issues with the BibTeX extension, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Subjective statements

We prefer scientifically grounded methodology descriptions, but this is not always possible. When you are not aware of any scientific publication supporting claim you would like to make, you can still write this, but make a footnote (using ((Footnote is here)) syntax) where you state that this statement is missing citation, but it is based on <your name> experience. Another contributors can add their names if they agree with the statement to further strengthen it.

Review process

Knowledgeable researchers (e.g., professors) are encouraged to review pages of their expertise. If you have reviewed a page, please add a “Reviews” section at the bottom of the page with the following format:

This page was reviewed on <date> by <name>.


The easiest way to learn the syntax is to examine the syntax of other existing pages by editing them. Below, we illustrate the basic syntax and some custom quirks, but check the Syntax page for detailed information.

===== Header Level 2 ===== (more = signs mean a higher level, with 6 as the maximum for the highest level).

External links are recognized automatically: If you want specific link text: [[|This is an example link]].

Internal links are created using square brackets. You can either just give a [[pagename]] or use an additional [[pagename|link text]].


Lists and their levels are determined by indentation (2 spaces = 1 level):

  - this is the 1. item
  - 2. item
    - a nested a. item
  * a bullet-point item


For short inline monospace, use double quotes. For proper code (in a separate paragraph), use <code LANG>:

<code python>
print('Hello world!")

For large code, use <file LANG filename>; this will make the code downloadable. For instance:

<file python>
print('Hello world!')

Which looks like this:
print('Hello world!')


Images should be uploaded to a directory within the same namespace as the page (or a sub-namespace). Use descriptive filenames, such as figure_topic_reference_year.png (avoiding generic names like figure.png). Please ensure images are appropriately sized and optimized for web use.

To use floats, you have to use the <WRAP> tag. For instance, the following will create a figure on the right side, 50% wide:

<WRAP right 50% box>
{{Privacy:Browser protection:protection_by_browser_johndoe_2020.png|Example Figure Alt Text}}

Again, for more details about syntax, check the Syntax page.


All contributions to MeasureTheWeb are assumed to be licensed under the CC Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International license, unless otherwise stated. This means that you are free to share and adapt the content, as long as you give appropriate credit, do not use it for commercial purposes, and distribute any derivative works under the same license.

Authorship and attribution

Contributors to significant portions of the wiki will be listed as authors on the start page. Furthermore, contributors will be considered for co-authorship on any publications resulting from the content on this wiki.

Code of conduct

We adhere to the Code of Conduct and expect all contributors to do the same. We are committed to fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment for everyone. Contact us to report unacceptable behavior.


Please contact Karel Kubicek with any questions or concerns regarding contributions to MeasureTheWeb.

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contributing.txt · Last modified: 2025/03/04 13:33 by karelkubicek