{{privacy:privacy_adgraph_performance_lists_iqbal2020_adgraph.png|ML performance of AdGraph on various lists according to Iqbal et al.}}
ML performance of AdGraph on various lists according to {[iqbal2020_adgraph]}.
[[https://github.com/uiowa-irl/AdGraph|Repository with instrumented crawler]]
==== WebGraph ====
**WebGraph: Capturing Advertising and Tracking Information Flows for Robust Blocking** {[siby2022_webgraph]} is a follow-up to AdGraph. It improves feature processing to address adversarial ML methods, removes dependency on modifiable content features, and enhances overall performance.
[[https://github.com/spring-epfl/WebGraph|Repository with trained model and pipeline]]
==== Khaleesi ====
**Khaleesi: Breaker of Advertising and Tracking Request Chains** {[iqbal2022_khaleesi]} also extends AdGraph. Here is a [[https://github.com/uiowa-irl/Khaleesi|repository with trained model and pipeline]].
Additionally, it offers a [[https://github.com/uiowa-irl/Khaleesi?tab=readme-ov-file#browser-extension|Firefox extension]] that blocks advertising chains. While not directly suitable for crawls (the current implementation blocks requests), you can disable the functionality [[https://github.com/uiowa-irl/Khaleesi/blob/main/browser_extension/background/background.js#L52|here]] and collect logs to classify ads.
==== Classification of Link Decorators ====
TODO add:
**PURL: Safe and Effective Sanitization of Link Decoration** {[shaoor2024purl]}
==== Classification of Cookie Notices and Their Interactive Elements ====
===== Use in Publications =====
====== References ======
To insert citations, you have to follow 3 steps:
- Check whether the BibTex entry is in https://measuretheweb.org/literature/bibliography, if not, add it to the end. For example, ''LePochat2019_tranco'' is already present.
- In the text, where you want to use the citation, use {[LePochat2019_tranco]} - it will be rendered as [1] or number given by order in the page.
- Keep this section as it is to print the bibliography.
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